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Varicose disease in which a person has in accounting for many years. Prone that progress, therefore, the patient, accounting for a couple of retouch your lifestyle to avoid sub-compressed, and then decompressed form of the migration destination, and prevent complications. To talk about, then arrival and what to do and what to avoid.


While doing massage I can get arrival?

Massage is one of the methods symptomatic treatment varicose. Apply:

  1. In the first stage of the disease, the veins are visible, but the symptoms are not yet obvious. In this case, the massage will help prevent or slow down further changes to the blood vessels with the development of symptoms on arrival.
  2. A Subcomandante arrival, when sites visible over his own feet, curling Vienna, in the evenings, people uncomfortable uncomfortable symptoms: edema, leg pain, fatigue. Massage that will help you "overclock" the blood in the tissues, improve microcirculation and lower extremity, to decrease or remove the symptoms of the disease.
  3. Lymphonodus of chronic failure. Dystrophy elephantiasis subcutaneous fat and the result is his will. Such a situation you should massage. He provides, improve lymph flow and slow the degenerative processes, tissues.

Massage is not possible if it is accompanied by the formation of blood clots in varicose veins. In this case, the mechanical effects of pulmonary embolism increases the risk of lower extremity veins. Simply put, a solid it could be by shedding blood clot to the vessel wall and reach the heart. This condition that a person often ends in death within a few minutes.

During the walk I can get arrival?

On arrival is a very common disease. If varicose veins, lower extremity walking person banned, manufacturers would be wheelchair to get rich. During the walk may be actually the arrival. Also because of the need to walk the walk Nov arrival during work. Subtracting and relaxing, they encourage you to push blood, improve venous hemodynamics.

I can get to run on arrival

I can get the run arrival?

The destination may be to run. It is more useful. Jogging only God that gives, but deferred and results. Basic risk factors with varicose veins, can affect the person who is able – This is in the same position for a long time (standing, sitting) and obesity. Jogging partially or totally eliminates both of these factors.

Advanced varicose but can't run. If your veins full of every 6 months Anamnesis, appeared on the skin, trophic ulcers, intense physical activity, such as the situation from bad to worse, and may cause thromboembolic complications. In such cases, the value to opt for more moderate physical activity, e.g. walking.

Arrival of Can I get when doing sports?

Advanced arrival sport isn't. When mild to moderate disease may be, preferably under the supervision of a trainer. Some suggestions:

  • so it's not worth it, heavy loading leg;
  • avoid tight clothing;
  • shoes should be comfortable, and in no way narrow;
  • if necessary, the use of compression stockings;
  • avoid static loads.

During the birth I can get arrival?

According to statistics, the first pregnancy, 30% of women developing the heirs. The reason for this is hormonal changes in the body, the subtle sound of veins, the vascular track is excessive, and thus increases the risk arrival. This is 30% of pregnancy women no one, not is – Are they in a safe way with the arrival of the birth. And, if it fits thrombus visible on their feet and running on the stage of the disease, the value of a vascular surgeon immediately, otherwise there may be complications during birth.

Could I have, while bathing arrival?

I can get arrival during walk bath

On arrival there is a bathroom at the time of acceptance. Even this procedure helps to reduce the symptoms of diseases. Objective eliminate edema, to put the top of the foot level, to the edge of the body baths. But if you have thrombophlebitis – a bath is good to give thanks.

I can get bath walk during arrival?

The early stages of arrival in bath you can walk. Moreover, this is useful. A temperature difference characteristic for the bathroom. Warming up the body, and then rapidly cooled. This contribution in vascular tone. After the bath, the symptoms usually go away on arrival.

It's not worth it to believe that this procedure can be used treatment for varicose. That, perhaps, it removes the symptoms, but the disease rates, to participate in the process a bath every day, for years.

An heir to drink?

Drink vodka an heir to an unwanted situation. Over time, this greatly increases the risk arrival. Beer bad status effects blood vessels. Usually drink a lot, and this low-alcohol, excessive circulation bed. Increases the amount of beer for a while, circulation in blood vessels, you will learn.

A similar question related to arrival:

Drink, the time of the arrival of birth control pills? But is an unwanted situation. Application instructions this this medicine varicose veins of the lower extremities is not listed in the list of contraindications. But I can't drink during birth control pills thrombophlebitis. Also, it should be noted that they hurt the micro. Maybe this is encouraging progress on arrival.

Can I get arrival during drinking coffee

Drink tea, rosehip arrival time? It can be, it won't hurt. But if you count, what tea, rosehip will help you with the thing – this is a misconception. The only source of vitamin C rosehip is a universal, not a cure for all illness.

Can I get drinking a lot of water during arrival? You can drink plenty of water. You can drink less water. Throughout this diseases does not affect.

Can I get drinking coffee during arrival? You may be. No adverse effects caffeine along data about varicose veins, lower extremity. Perhaps, this drink coffee because it would be useful or even the tone of the vessels increases.

Drink an aspirin heir? Possible and necessary. That has antiplatelet action, so it reduces the chance of blood clots. Aspirin needs an heir drinking, in small doses, during meals, is considered both as a medicine because of the side effects that may be caused long-term gastrointestinal system.